

Denying Srebrenica

In today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina remembering genocide and challenging hate can feel like an act of defiance.    

Paris, May 1968: My Dad The Accidental Revolutionary

In a diary, hidden out of sight for half a century, my dad documented the debates, barricades and tear gas of Paris in May 1968 My dad is well known for his storytelling. When I was growing up his hitchhiking stories were a favourite. Waking up in a tent [...]

The aid industry is long overdue its #MeToo moment

I  recently worked for Oxfam and the love and trust many people have felt for Oxfam is not, in my experience, misplaced. And neither is the shock and anger at what happened with Oxfam in Haiti. In the name of the women involved, cynical attempts have been made to [...]

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